Patterns and Fill Layers
In this little update, we present the full support for Patterns and Fill Layers.
Patterns are an important part of every image editor. In PSD files, patterns can be used either in Pattern Fill Layers, or in Layer Styles - Pattern overlay.
Since this release, Photopea contains a Pattern selection button, which is present in properties of a Fill Layer, or in properties of a Pattern Overlay. When you start Photopea, several basic patterns are loaded. You can also open your own patterns (using File - Open or just by dragging and dropping them into Photopea). Patterns should be in a .PAT format, which is the same as for Adobe Photoshop (you can find lots of free patterns on the internet).

Fill Layers
PSD files may contain so-called Fill Layers, their content is generated automatically. Fill layer can contain either a Solid Color, a Gradient or a Pattern (with additional parameters such as the size of the pattern, the angle of the gradient, etc.). You can not draw anything into fill layers, but they may have raster or vector masks attached.
Since this release, you can create new Fill Layers using Layer - New Fill Layer. You can also edit the parameters of an existing Fill Layer by double-clicking the thumbnail of the layer.