Photopea 3.5 – XD support
New release of Photopea is here! It has 59 924 lines of code. Play with it at the main site.
New features
- XD format support
- Support for files from the new GIMP
- Many tiny improvements (e.g. reverse option for GIF export)
- Several bugs fixed
XD format
Adobe XD is a software for designing user interfaces, websites and other similar environments. It is very similar to Sketch App, and stores its files with an .xd extension. Sadly, Adobe XD is available only for Windows 10, or for MacOS 10.11 and later.
Starting now, you can open XD files in Photopea, inspect them, save them as PSD, or export their parts (e.g. as PNG or SVG). Photopea is the only XD to PSD convertor today. It is also the only way to work with XD files on Linux and other systems, unsupported by Adobe XD.
Try it yourself! XD file, Opened in Photopea.